Get Special Price For Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan

 Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan

There are several great products on the market, The Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan is one that you should have. The Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan is a fantastic product and we are very pleased with its quality. People who have bought and used this product gave it great reviews and impressive ratings. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.


Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan Features

Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.

  • New - Retail
  • 0-Day Warranty
  • Coolmax CX-350B
  • Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan


The CX-350B from Coolmax has 120mm fan. It has a high quality silver-coated fan guard and cable-tube on main power cables for better cable routing and neatness. This power supply is also compatible with Intel and AMD processors. The chassis comes in a black and silver color to best suit your preferences.


  • ATX12V version 2.0
  • 120mm low noise cooling fan
  • Dual 12V outputs provide system stability
  • Tube-tied on the main connector for clean look
  • Fully support Intel & AMD CPUs
  • MTBF 100,000 hours

Cheap Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan


 Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan

Best Offer Coolmax CX-350B Black 350W ATX Power Supply with 120mm Silent Fan

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Tags: Cheap Computer Power Supplies, Best Price, Computer Power Supplies For Sale, Best Deals, Best Computer Power Supplies Reviews


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